Sejak drama Suri Hati Mr. Pilot ditayangkan, ramai yang merasakan gandigan Neelofa dan Fattah Amin cukup sesuai bersama apatah lagi kemesraan mereka itu bukan sahaja di kaca tv tetapi didalam kehidupan nyata juga. Ini membuatkan beberapa pihak berspekulasi yang mereka sedang hangat bercinta.

Lama berdiam diri mengenai isu ini, Neelofa menerusi akaun Instagramya telah tampil memberikan komennya tentang gosipnya bersama Fattah. Menurut Neelofa, beliau menyerahkan soal jodohnya kepada Allah SWT.
Neelofa meminta agar tiada lagi pihak yang menyebarkan gosip kononnya beliau bercinta dengan Fattah. Mereka berdua juga memerlukan ruang dan masa untuk diri sendiri serta tidak mahu tertekan dengan isu berkenaan.
I am just a normal human being, macam korang, just want to live my life. I feel like people are judging me. Sometimes, apa yang I want to post on my social media, I always think like “What if they don’t like this?”, “Will anyone be offended by this post?”, “Should I even post this?”. To be honest, I feel a bit traumatized.

When reading news about my private life, especially things that are affecting my family, I kinda feel mad and sad at the same time. Talking about me is bearable, but my family and someone else’s family? That’s not cool. Atleast, atleast have some respect for my family and Fattah’s family. Apa korang rasa perasaan keluarga kami, bila orang orang luar seems to know more about us compared to them?Whatever I do, my family is always my priority. They are my true love. How would you guys feel if your own family feels offended or disappointed with you? It’s the worst feeling ever kan? So I hope you guys would understand.I seldom talk about this but when it comes to jodoh, I always believe that if it’s stated in the book of Allah, if it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be. At the end of the day, Allah knows what’s best for me and both of us

I’ve discussed this with Fattah, we really hope everyone can give us some space and time. We really dont want to get pressured by the media (what’s written on blogs or newspapers), and of course we dont want to feel obligated just because we want to make our fans happy. Marriage is not something that you can just decide within a day, kalau ada jodoh tak ke mana kan?So thank you guys atas doa-doa yang baik untuk Lofa and of course Fattah too, I really appreciate that. I hope you guys will continue to support my career and Fattah’s career! But for now, I just need some space to love myself more so that I can even love that special someone better.

Kadang-kadang kemesraan yang kita tampilkan akan menimbulkan seribu satu tafsiran. Namun, jika Neelofa sudah menjelaskan perkara sebenar, kami harap lepas ini peminat beliau dan Fattah sudah boleh terima hakikat yang mereka tidak semestinya bercinta.